Course curriculum

  • 1

    Understanding the problems of teaching & studying a language at low levels

  • 2

    How can I help students engage in real communication if they don't know grammar?

    • Working from dialogues: intro and outline

    • Russian two ways: grammar to conversation or conversation with grammar

    • Dialogue building in action

    • Integrating dialogue building with a coursebook

    • Messaging: from dialogues to chunking and individualised practice

    • Task and points for discussion

  • 3

    What words should I teach and how should I teach them?

    • Words are more important than grammar: intro and outline

    • How vocabulary choices and examples can better enable communication.

    • What do I do with mixed levels and what if I can't translate?

    • Presenting vocabulary up front

    • Collocation and grammaticalised lexis

    • Putting it all together: presenting words with grammar

    • Task and points for discussion

  • 4

    They can't hear, they can't say: pron and listening

    • Feel my pain: intro and outline

    • Getting students to repeat and making sounds visible

    • Phonics and reading

    • Helping students hear outside a listening lesson

    • Focus on hearing in the listening lesson

    • Task and points for discussion

  • 5

    Speaking and being yourself

    • Elementary is not beginner: intro and outline

    • Making the most of grammar exercises

    • Making the most of a vocabulary exercise

    • Giving the students a voice: individualised portfolios

    • Giving students a voice; Single word answers to whole class. one-to-one

    • Whole class one-to-one in action: reformulating and noticing

    • Giving students a voice: other vocabulary choices

    • Task and points for discussion

  • 6

    Further reading, links and feedback

    • Thanks and further study

    • Feedback

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    Every month we run webinars on teacher development and aspects of language and culture. With this course, you can choose one to participate in for free.

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